CBS Files

How CBS Works for You

Document Management  

Documents, Correspondence, Files

as easy as ...
1. Electronic Documents
2. Correspondence Control
3. Filing - at your fingertips

Electronic Documents [EDs]
CBS has in-built functionality for storing ED's on database records just where you need to find them. You can store an ED [such as a photograph] on a person record ... or put a signed contract on the person's Personnel File.

Legal documents can be stored in case files ... or Excel spreadsheets or Powerpoint presentations can be stapled to records in the CORRIDOR™.

The potential for complete and well-organised storage of all your documents and reference materials is now literally at your fingertips ... just a click away.

See Electronic Document Storage within CBS Database.

Correspondence Control
Full workflow control of all your correspondence needs. The process goes like this ...

  1. Receive and open mail, scan documents and tie to job numbers [job #s].
  2. Mark physical documents with Vault Pack number [V Pack #] and store on spike.
  3. Analyse response steps required and allocate "Actions" to appropriate persons or groups.
  4. Perform all research, analysis and prepare detailed response [communicate and collaborate with other departments and sources as required].
  5. Have response reviewed and signed-off, then physically signed and stored electronically.

Of course, full support for names, addresses, contact and other reference information [including E-mail and contact phone numbers] is at your fingertips and makes the process of preparing responses much easier.

E-mail is fully integrated with the process as are CBS communication methods [e-GRAMs, Alpha Page and the powerful CORRIDOR™ technologies] to individuals, groups or specific market segments.

This means that correspondence not only is handled more quickly, more reliably and more efficiently, but the response that you give will be of better quality, resulting in less rework, less lead times, and at considerably lower cost.

The real cost of filing can be broken down into three components:

  1. What does it cost to file and store all the correspondence, discussion papers and reference material?
  2. How much time and space is taken up maintaining files and retrieving them for use when needed?
  3. Could the quality and effectiveness of your work be enhanced if there were a complete, easy to access repository of all relevant material and past correspondence and templates available to you whereever you are 24 x 7.
And what would it be worth to have a full management system that facilitates putting all the information together into reports and presentations that can be delivered directly by mail, e-mail or in person ... or can be accessed by interested parties and target audiences [on a fully secure basis] through their password protected access via Alpha Page?

Please use the links [at right] for more detail. For other topics, select items from menus above.

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Electronic Document Storage

On Client Machine Storage